We are striving to provide an environment where every child can flourish academically, spiritually and socially.


Heartsmart (PSHE & RSE)
At St.Peter's our Personal, Social, Health Education/Relationships, Sex Education curriculum is taught through the Heartsmart Programme. We have a focussed session each week although the principles are embedded into much of our curriculum. Our Heartsmart programme links very closely to our Christian values and forms part of our class collective worship. We recognise the Heartsmart principles as part of being a good Christian and being the best that we can be for ourselves and others.
For more information on RSE please look in Key Info/Policies on our website for our full RSE Policy.
HeartSmart is a creative approach to delivering the PSHE and RSE Curriculum that primary schools use to build character, emotional health and resilience in children. It equips them with foundational principles, skills, habits and a mindset that will improve their mental health, relationships and academic achievement.

Boris, HeartSmart’s very own purpose-built Robot, provides a fun, interactive and dynamic way for children to explore their hearts, the very thing that makes them unique.

Heartsmart follows five main principles that the children review each week. We focus on a different one each half term:
Heartsmart fits in with many aspects of our RE curriculum and there is a linked Bible verse for every session.

Please follow the links below for more information and how you can help your child be ‘Heartsmart’ at home.
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Here is the link to the website with lots of resources for parents and carers to access with children:

Heartsmart Curriculum Content
Please find below all of our long term plans for the content of our Heartsmart programme which covers all the necessary objectives for the teaching of PSHE and RSE. At St.Peter's, we use a number of books which support these objectives in a sensitive and age-appropriate way.

The EYFS framework is organised differently to the National Curriculum that is used for children in Year 1 to Year 6: it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas.

The table below identifies the statements taken from the 2020 Development Matters which are prerequisite skills for  PSHE within the National Curriculum.

The most relevant statements for PSHE are taken from the following areas of learning:

  •        Communication and Language
  •        Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  •        Physical Development
  •        Understanding the World

PSHE forms a huge part of our early years curriculum at St.Peter’s and is fundamental to development in all areas of the EYFS curriculum.  It feeds into all areas of learning on a daily basis and our Nursery and Reception also take part in weekly focussed Heartsmart sessions.

Mental Health Champions


Mental health at St.Peter's is very much a priority. We have recognised the impact that Covid-19 has had on our children and have provided workshops which promote mental health and educate pupils as part of the new compulsory PSHE curriculum.

We are proud to have provided this workshop from 'Onegoal'  to all of our classes from Year to Year 6 so that we have a school of Mental Health Champions!

 The idea behind the Mental Health Champion workshops is that children are given the opportunity to learn and experience:

  • What mental health is and what factors can affect it.
  • The differences between good mental health and poor mental health.
  • How to recognise the signs of poor mental health and how to seek help.
  • How to take daily care for their own mental health and manage stress using a variety of evidenced based best strategies.
  • Encouragement to support the mental health of other children in the school.
We run a fantastic intervention at St.Peter's called 'Hamish and Milo' which supports children with their feelings and emotions; it also promotes self-positivity and confidence. There are also events throughout the year through music and dance which promote our children's positive mental health.