We are striving to provide an environment where every child can flourish academically, spiritually and socially.


Our St.Peter's attendance target is:
                                                              Red ninety six percent off. discount 96%. 3d illustration. | CanStock

Attendance Rewards

  • We celebrate 100% attendance each term by awarding every child a certificate.  At the end of every term, children with 100% attendance and no late marks get a badge and a certificate.
  • Every week we celebrate each class’ attendance and punctuality in Celebration Assembly.
Take a look at the table below.  Did you know that only 1 day off school means your child is missing as many as 6 lessons? 

If you child is in on time every day, he/she has a much higher chance of success at St.Peter's. We send home regular updates of attendance each half term. Please monitor this and ensure you only keep your child off if:
  • Your child has had sickness or diarrhoea and has been told to stay at home for 48 hours.
  • Your child is isolating for Covid-related reasons.
  • Your child is genuinely ill.
You'd be surprised how quickly children feel right as rain when they come to school and get busy!
 Reporting Absence & Lateness – Keston Primary School