We are striving to provide an environment where every child can flourish academically, spiritually and socially.

PE and Sports Premium

Please find a review of the PE and sports premium spending below

Funding (September-March)- £9 ,887

Funding (April-August) - £7,446

Total funding: £17,333


Continuous professional development- £2,500.00

We have invested some of our sports funding in CPD for support staff within school. For a few years now, staff have had the opportunity to observe professional coaches and team-teach some sessions allowing them to develop their sporting skills and also enabling them to demonstrate transferrable skills in core PE lessons. This has also given staff opportunities to observe behaviour and routines in extra-curricular activities allowing them to enhance their behaviour management skills.

We hope that by investing in the CPD of support staff we can broaden the range of extra-curricular sports on offer at St Peter’s, upskill staff to continue to deliver these sports without the support of coaches and widen the provision offered at breaktimes and lunchtimes. We also hope that by upskilling staff the running of sports club provision becomes sustainable.


Outdoor adventurous activity enhancements- £2,071.00

At St Peter’s we are continually trying to raise the profile of Physical Education and we wish to instill a love and enthusiasm of physical activity opportunities outside of the classroom. This year the children have engaged in a variety of outdoor adventurous activities including: bowling, aerial arts, boxing and climbing. Whilst focusing on enhancing physical skills these opportunities also give the children chance to develop their: resilience, communication, teamwork and respect- values which coincide with our Commando Joe outcomes. We also wish to provide children with sporting opportunities which they wouldn’t necessarily be able to access outside of school.


Equipment for extra-curricular activities- £1,527.00

We have used some of our budget to purchase extra-curricular equipment so we can facilitate a wider variety of sporting clubs at St Peter’s. Additionally, we have tried to increase the pupil engagement in physical activity and this has been helped by the purchase of bikes and scooters to enhance breaktime and lunchtime provision. The biking and scooting opportunities allow the children to practice skills from outdoor adventurous activity days and also help prepare them with the basic skills needed for bike ability when they reach year 6. For pupils who do not have access to bikes and scooters at home this has been hugely beneficial by giving them the opportunity to learn to ride a bike on scooter from EYFS through to year 6. We hope that by purchasing equipment for clubs this will increase the sustainability of us being able to offer a variety of extra-curricular sports on a more permanent basis.


Ed start coaching- £7,860.00

Ed start are a professional body of sports coaches who have come into school to deliver extra-curricular clubs. The children have had the opportunity to access a breadth of clubs such as: football, dance, multi-skills, dodgeball, hockey, basketball, gymnastics, rounders and many more taught by specialists. Due to the increasing the range of sports on offer, we have seen an increase in the uptake for after-school clubs and also an increased engagement from our SEN/PP children when compared with data from 2022/23.


Swimming - £2500.00

In year 6, the children receive top-up sessions for swimming so we can encourage as many children as possible to be able to leave primary school being able to swim 25 metres. This year’s cohort have really benefited with accessing top-up lessons and 75% of the cohort have achieved 25 metres or more with a range of strokes.  Children who had already achieved national curriculum requirements have benefited from extending their swimming abilities.


1:1 coaching for SEMH provision- £875.00

Since the pandemic, our setting has seen an increase in children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Spacetobee use sport, mentoring and emotional management training to improve the mental health of young people. They use carefully planned sporting activities to support children with developing their emotional well-being.


Total expenditure: £17,333.00